John graduated in 2015 at MARIN and Delft University of Technology with a Masters thesis on the optimization of iceclass propellers. Since then he has been working at MARIN applying the optimization method in all kinds of different projects at MARIN. He is also involved in the model tests in the DWB as cavitation expert combining the experience from numerical methods model scale experiments and finally full scale observations. Together with the team of propeller experts John improved upon the optimization method such that it became mature. The optimization of a complete series of propellers became feasible. John was the lead designer of the Fseries and FCseries. Also optimization for silent propellers became part of his experience. His focus has also been widened towards the optimization of contrarotating propellers and propellers that can be used for power regeneration. One of the large shortcomings of our current propeller design methodology it that it does not involve the ship directly nor uses the results of RANS computations automatically. In the coming years John plans to actively participate in the improvements thereon. Finally his focus has shifted to tackling the propeller scale effects during model tests. Currently he is starting up a new Joint Industry Project the Tripping JIP. The team will apply turbulators to the leading edges of the propeller tripping the flow from laminar to turbulent. Together with an extensive set of RANS computations they are going to develop new propeller scale effects to replace the currently used ITTC corrections.
27 jun. 2023
17 mei 2021
30 apr. 2021
15 dec. 2017
Reading time 6 minutes