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MARIN's suggesties voor R&D-regeling Maritiem Masterplan NML

22 apr. 2021

Reading time 1 minute

30 emissieloze en digitale schepen in 2030 en breed beschikbare kennis en technologie, dat is het doel van het NML Maritiem Masterplan! Binnenkort ...

Report magazine 131: read now and register for future editions

12 apr. 2021

Reading time 1 minute

MARIN Report is our corporate magazine. The magazine focusses on recent projects and keeps readers informed of the latest research. MARIN Report is ...
blue growthlife at searenewablessustainability

WASP webinar & WiSP workshop

29 mrt. 2021

Reading time 1 minute

Collective input is needed to come to a clear, joint strategy on wind propulsion performance, and rules and regulations. That is why ABS, the ...
wind assisted ships waspwind propulsionrenewables

IWSA Open letter release for shipping decarbonisation

26 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Over 90 maritime corporations, shipowners, designers and technology providers all involved with wind propulsion have come together to release this ...

SWZ | Maritime: een leven lang (simu)leren

23 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

De Nederlandse Maritieme Strategie 2015-2025 noemt de hoge kwaliteit van het nautische onderwijs en het belang van een optimale afstemming van ...

Registration open for BlueWeek and FPSO JIP Week 2021

23 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

POWER THE FUTURE | REGISTRATION NOW OPENBringing sustainable energy into production, storage, power and motion The maritime industry will come ...
sustainabilityblue growtheventslife at searenewables

Cable 2 JIP will further develop subsea inter‐array cable technology

19 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Cable 1 JIP (2017-2019) was an RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) subsidised research project with the aim of studying the use of a semi-static ...
joint industry projectfloating wind turbineoffshorerenewablesdynamic positioningvortex induced vibrations (viv)

TO2 onderstrepen belang maatschappelijke bijdragen in manifest aan tweede kamer

16 mrt. 2021

Reading time 3 minutes

De toegepaste onderzoeksorganisaties Deltares, NLR, Wageningen University & Research, TNO en MARIN, overhandigden de Tweede Kamer der ...
early innovations and solutionsresearch and development

Emissiereductie duwboten, een verkenning

15 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Voor Rijkswaterstaat en het Ministerie van IenW is een onderzoek afgerond naar de beschikbare opties voor significante emissiereducties voor ...
zero emissioninland shipping

Het Klokhuis: The Floating Future

11 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

The Dutch tv program Het Klokhuis made an interesting broadcast about the 'floating future': a unique floating island concept that we tested in our ...
life at sea

Meld je aan voor onze demo 'Sustainable fish farming' op 16 maart

9 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

In 2021 richt MARIN’s Blue Growth-programma zich op de technische haalbaarheid van viscultivering binnen offshore-windparken. Met dit verkennend ...
life at seawind farmsblue growthfish farmsustainability

Operation Blue Beach: testing amphibious operations

8 mrt. 2021

Reading time 3 minutes

Today’s landing craft sail faster and faster. So how do you navigate breaking waves for a safe and controlled landing and retreat? Commissioned by ...
defencemodel testingsafety assessmentwave loads

Podcast | Noise pollution: Taking human sounds out of our oceans and restoring balance

4 mrt. 2021

Reading time 1 minute

In the 5 Podcast, Thomas Loudon investigates issues and solutions that create a more sustainable world one step at the time. In this episode he ...
life at seanoise and vibrationmeasurements and controlresistance and propulsionpropeller and cavitation

De route naar een emissieloze maritieme sector: Denk mee op 5 maart

1 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

Met het maritieme masterplan heeft de Nederlandse maritieme sector in het najaar van 2020 een duidelijke ambitie neergelegd. In 2030 varen er 30 ...

HAWA-III JIP: Near shore terminals and their sensitivity to infragravity waves

1 mrt. 2021

Reading time 2 minutes

MARIN, Deltares and Bureau Veritas Group are starting the HAWA-III JIP (Shallow Water Initiative) which focuses on near shore terminals and their ...
mooring and offloadingjoint industry projectshallow water basin