Seven oceans simulator centre

Het Seven Oceans Simulator Centre (SOSc) is de link tussen ontwerp en operatie en zorgt voor een zogenoemde 'crew-centred ship design and operation.' Met deze digitale werkruimte kunnen ingenieurs en scheepsbemanningen gebruik maken van geavanceerde simulatoren en digital twins om zo schepen onder realistische omstandigheden te testen en verfijnen voordat ze worden gebouwd. Het SOSc kan ook ingezet worden bij mission rehearsals, het trainen van complexe operaties en het ontwerpen van ingewikkelde infrastructuren.

complexe maritieme operaties in een veilige omgeving

Ons doel is om de maritieme veiligheid en efficiëntie te verbeteren door interacties tussen structuren, de omgeving en mensen realistisch te simuleren, ook bij complexere operaties. Containerschepen worden groter, het scheepvaartverkeer en het aantal nieuwe infrastructuren op zee nemen toe, en weerspatronen worden onvoorspelbaarder. De bolvormige simulatoren en bewegende brug van het SOSc kunnen bemanningen onder realistische omstandigheden trainen, wat zorgt voor betere voorbereiding en onderzoeksresultaten.De faciliteit ondersteunt ook innovaties op het gebied van mens-machine-interactie, waaronder virtual reality, operationele hulpmiddelen en het testen en monitoren van autonome schepen. Simulator key capabilities

Voor een nauwkeurige voorspelling van het hydrodynamisch gedrag is de koppeling met MARIN's testfaciliteiten, voorspellingsmethoden (zoals Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) en metingen op ware grootte essentieel. Het universele platform van MARIN, XMF (eXtensible Modeling Framework), integreert specialistische modellen voor ontwerpevaluaties en simulatiestudies en biedt een solide hydrodynamische basis voor onze simulatoren.

We bouwen ook simulatoren en ontwikkelen simulatorsoftware voor onze klanten, zodat zij op eigen locatie bemanningen kunnen traininen en operaties kunnen oefenen .


Contact person photo

Hugo Ammerlaan


sosc simulatoren

Large Motion Simulator

Large Motion Simulator (LMS): a six degrees of freedom motion-based bridge of 4,5 x 5,5 m on a hexapod with a payload of 14,000 kg and 360 degrees projection in a large spherical dome with a diameter of 16 m.

Large Motion Simulator

Large Motion Simulator (LMS): a six degrees of freedom motion-based bridge of 4,5 x 5,5 m on a hexapod with a payload of 14,000 kg and 360 degrees projection in a large spherical dome with a diameter of 16 m.

Full Mission bridge

Full Mission Bridge (FMB): a 16 m wide bridge with a forward or backward view on a cylindrical screen (240 degrees horizontally and 42 degrees vertically). Both bridge wings have 6 m diameter domes to allow forward, backward, downward and upward views during port and other complex operations.

Full Mission bridge

Full Mission Bridge (FMB): a 16 m wide bridge with a forward or backward view on a cylindrical screen (240 degrees horizontally and 42 degrees vertically). Both bridge wings have 6 m diameter domes to allow forward, backward, downward and upward views during port and other complex operations.
MARIN Full Mission Simulator

Multi-purpose simulators

Four Multi‐Purpose Simulators (MPS) of 4.2 x 4.2 m with 360 degrees projection for coupled tug or crane simulations.

Multi-purpose simulators

Four Multi‐Purpose Simulators (MPS) of 4.2 x 4.2 m with 360 degrees projection for coupled tug or crane simulations.
MARIN's Multi-Purpose Simulators (MPS)

Maritime eXperience Lab

The Maritime eXperience Lab (MX Lab) for advanced virtual, augmented and mixed reality applications, including the Fast Small Ship Simulator (FSSS), smaller motion platforms, treadmills, motion capturing and a cable robot. With the 8 cables of the cable robot moving objects (such as a crane hook) can be simulated above a moving platform or the FSSS for advanced interactive Mixed Reality simulations, both above and below water.

Maritime eXperience Lab

The Maritime eXperience Lab (MX Lab) for advanced virtual, augmented and mixed reality applications, including the Fast Small Ship Simulator (FSSS), smaller motion platforms, treadmills, motion capturing and a cable robot. With the 8 cables of the cable robot moving objects (such as a crane hook) can be simulated above a moving platform or the FSSS for advanced interactive Mixed Reality simulations, both above and below water.
MARIN Maritime eXperience Lab (MXLab)

Fast Small Ship Simulator

The Fast Small Ship Simulator is part of the Maritime eXperiance lab (MXLab) and provides a safe and accurate environment for training drivers and navigators of high-speed craft (HSC) both for naval and civil operations. On request, the FSSS can be modified to perform simulations on any high-speed vessel or operation.

Fast Small Ship Simulator

The Fast Small Ship Simulator is part of the Maritime eXperiance lab (MXLab) and provides a safe and accurate environment for training drivers and navigators of high-speed craft (HSC) both for naval and civil operations. On request, the FSSS can be modified to perform simulations on any high-speed vessel or operation.
MARIN Fast Small Ship Simulator (FSSS)

Traffic & Mission Control

Traffic & Mission Control (TMC): multi-purpose and flexible room with projection on three walls to simulate control or command centres on board or ashore, coupled to the other simulators and the MX Lab.

Traffic & Mission Control

Traffic & Mission Control (TMC): multi-purpose and flexible room with projection on three walls to simulate control or command centres on board or ashore, coupled to the other simulators and the MX Lab.
MARIN Traffic & Mission Control (TMC)

Human Factor

With the rise of new technologies in maritime operations and the growing trend towards technological innovations, a better understanding of the human element is increasingly crucial. Within the Human Factor Team we try to understand the environment where the operators work in, so we can provide tailormade solutions for existing and future challenges.

Human Factor

With the rise of new technologies in maritime operations and the growing trend towards technological innovations, a better understanding of the human element is increasingly crucial. Within the Human Factor Team we try to understand the environment where the operators work in, so we can provide tailormade solutions for existing and future challenges.
MARIN Human Factor Equipment

Houston simulator

To provide our USA clients with advice in an easy and fast way, we have our own bridge simulator facility in Houston. The Houston simulator is used for concept design and operations training and consists of a main bridge with full console, two tug stations and an Instructor Operator Station. The simulator is perfectly suited for complex research or training projects.

Houston simulator

To provide our USA clients with advice in an easy and fast way, we have our own bridge simulator facility in Houston. The Houston simulator is used for concept design and operations training and consists of a main bridge with full console, two tug stations and an Instructor Operator Station. The simulator is perfectly suited for complex research or training projects.
MARIN Houston Simulator

Simulators and simulator software offered for sale

We build simulators and develop simulator software for our clients, allowing them to conduct in-house crew training and operational testing at their own facilities.

Simulators and simulator software offered for sale

We build simulators and develop simulator software for our clients, allowing them to conduct in-house crew training and operational testing at their own facilities.
MARIN's Seven Oceans Simulator Centre


  • Alle simulatoren kunnen worden gekoppeld om realistisch multi-schip- en multi-tooloperaties te simuleren.
  • Onderzoeksplatform voor nieuwe besturingstechnieken en mens-machine-interacties om het situationeel bewustzijn tijdens een operatie te verbeteren.
  • Nauwkeurige observatie van het gedrag en de interactie tussen operators.
  • Metingen en feedback over de prestaties en werkbelasting van operators.
  • De nieuwste visualisatie-, virtualisatie- en bewegingssimulatietechnieken.
  • Voorspelling van hydrodynamica, inclusief alle interacties tussen schepen, offshoreconstructies en de omgeving.
  • Optimaliseert nautische operaties met precieze modellering van hydrodynamica.
SOSc tour
SOSc first floor
SOSc first floor with Large Motion Simulator and Full Mission Bridge
SOSc Ground floor
SOSc ground floor with (left to right) Large Motion Simulator, Multi Purpose Simulators, High Performance Computing, Traffic & Mission Control, and Maritime eXperience Lab