MagazineDropsim gives new insight into operational limits of freefall lifeboats
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 9 minutes
With the successful validation of the software tool Dropsim a significant step forward has been made in determining the operational boundaries ...
MagazineReFRESCO-operation gives unique opportunities in CFD
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 3 minutes
Last autumn MARIN launched an innovative initiative to start a partnership with its clients for a maritime Computational Fluid Dynamics' (CFD) ...
cfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studies
MagazineNew project to provide insight into passenger ship comfort
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 6 minutes
MARIN starts a two-year research programme with the passenger
ship sector to enhance industry knowledge.
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsafe operations and human factorsmarine systemslife at seadefencepassengers and yachtingcomfortonboard advisoryoperabilityroll stabilisationseakeeping performancecruise and ferry
MagazineCollision risk assessed with AIS data
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 3 minutes
Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is now being used to
determine the collision risk for offshore installations.
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 3 minutes
Together with DAMEN, TNO, TUD, KNRM and DMO, MARIN participated in the Speed@Sea project. The goal was to assess the limiting aspects and criteria ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralinfrastructurelife at seaauthorities and regulatorsdefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingcomfortsafetyseakeeping performancevortex induced vibrations (viv)
MagazineThe importance of the Human Factor
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 6 minutes
The human factor has always been an important area of research at MARIN, and here Report outlines the many ways the organisation is involved.
MagazineInterview Verhoef - First in Freefall
MARIN Report 113
6 dec. 2014
Reading time 9 minutes
Report interviews the first and only aluminium Freefalllifeboat builder in the world and outlines how MARIN helped validate its latest lifeboats.
PaperSensitivity to Aerodynamic Forces for the Accurate Modelling of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
Renewable2014 conference, Lisbon, Portugal
27 nov. 2014
In order to accurately study floating offshore wind turbines model-scaled experimental campaigns are crucial. Parallel to it, numerical tools play ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsustainable propulsioncfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiestime-domain simulationsresistance and propulsionrenewablesmarine systemsresearch and developmentpropeller designsimulationseventswind farmsresearch
PaperModel tests and time domain simulations for launch and recovery
Launch and Recovery Symposium 2014, Linthicum, MD, USA
19 nov. 2014
Launch and recovery model tests have been in constant evolution for more than a decade thanks to a continuous improvement of model manufacture and ...
cfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencetime-domain simulationsdefencemodel testingshipsnavysimulations
Research reportAnalysing numerical flow computations for practical ship hull form design
30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Invited Lecture, Hobart, Australia
2 nov. 2014
This invited lecture stressed the importance of analysis of the computed flow and wave pattern around a ship hull, aiming at understanding the ...
shipsresistance and propulsioncfdhull form optimisation
PaperA Computational Study of the Flow around the KVLCC2 Model Hull at Straight Ahead Conditions and at Drift
30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics ,Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2 nov. 2014
The flow around the KVLCC2 model tanker hull at 0°, 12° and 30° drift is here investigated using classical Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesmanoeuvringcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiescfd
PaperOn the Prediction of Wave-added Resistance with Empirical Methods
Journal of Ship Production and Design
1 nov. 2014
There is continuous research on analytical, numerical, and (semi)empirical methods to predict wave-added resistance. Most of this research focuses ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsustainable propulsionresistance and propulsionseakeepingauthorities and regulatorsdefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingmonitoringtrials and monitoring
PaperDP Thrusters - Understanding Dynamic Loads and Preventing Mechanical Damages
Dynamic Positioning Conference, Houston, TX, USA
20 okt. 2014
Despite the wide and successful use of mechanical azimuthing thrusters in various marine applications, such as dynamic positioning (DP), dynamic ...
PaperShip Speed-Power Performance Assessment
SNAME Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, USA
20 okt. 2014
The speed/power characteristics of ships have always been at the core of ship design. To prove contractually agreed values, speed trials are ...
sustainable propulsionresistance and propulsionmonitoringtrials and monitoringspeed/power performancetrialsfull scale
PaperPerformance Analysis Of Massively-Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics
11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014), Singapore
19 okt. 2014
As modern supercomputers edge towards exascale, their architectures are becoming more parallel. In order for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) ...
cfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiestime-domain simulationsresearch and developmentsimulationssoftware engineeringresearch