PaperHydrodynamics of large motor yachts - Past experience and future developments
ATMA - Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, Paris, France
1 Jun 2004
The paper reviews the trends in tested designs over the last 15 years and highlights the lessons learned in the course of a long history of tests at ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringsustainable propulsioncfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencetime-domain simulationsmanoeuvringresistance and propulsioninfrastructuremarine systemslife at seapoweringseakeepingdefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingmodel testingcomforthull form optimisationmotionspropulsionroll stabilisationsimulations
PaperLaboratory Investigation of Long Riser VIV Response
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) ,Toulon, France
23 May 2004
In order to address the response of a long cylindrical riser in current, design codes (like Vandiver, 1983) require lift and drag coefficients of ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingmonitoringresearch and developmentfatiguehydro-elasticityloads and responsesmotionsstructural responsevortex induced vibrations (viv)full scaleoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperThe Interaction Effects of Mooring in close Proximity of Other Structures
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
Two typical close proximity situations are side-by-side mooring and Gravity Based Structure mooring. In these situations strong interaction effects ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seatransport and shippingmodel testingmooring and offloadingmotionsoffloadingwaves & motionsoffshore engineering
PaperExperimental Investigation of Subsea Structures during Installation and the Related Wave Loads Added Mass and Damping
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
This paper presents experiments focussing on the wave loads, added mass and damping of a subsea structure in the splash zone. Two series of tests ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingresearch and developmentlifting and decommissioningloads and responsesoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperSloshing of Partially Filled LNG Carriers
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
The motion of the LNG fluid inside gas carriers is normally restricted by the loading condition of the vessel, ie either the vessel is oper- ated at ...
waves, impacts and hydrostructuralcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seatransport and shippingresearch and developmentslammingsloshingoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperPrediction of Wave Impact Loads on Ship-type Offshore Structures in Steep Fronted Waves
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
Steep fronted waves can induce extremely large impact pressures on the hull of moored ship-type offshore structures. Several incidents confirmed ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingextreme conditionshydro-elasticityloads and responsesmotionsslammingstructural responseoffshore engineering
PaperFloating Windfarms for Shallow Offshore Sites
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
Offshore wind energy appears to be on the verge of a phase of enormous expansion to becoming a significant source of electricity for a number of ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencesafe operations and human factorsrenewablesoffshore operationsoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at searesearch and developmentloads and responsesmooring and offloadingoperabilitysoftware engineeringrenewable energywaves & motionsoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperNumerical Prediction of Wave Loads on Subsea Structures in the Splash Zone
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
Existing simulation methods are not able to determine in detail the wave loads on a complex sub-sea structure when it is passing through the splash ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingresearch and developmentlifting and decommissioningloads and responsesoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperCoupling Freak Wave Events with Green Water Simulations
The Fourteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Toulon, France
23 May 2004
In this paper a VoF method will be presented together with a coupling to a non-linear potential flow solver. The non-linear flow input is generated ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralcfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at searesearch and developmentoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperDeepstar Study on Predicting FPSO Responses – Model Tests vs. Numerical Analysis
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
3 May 2004
This paper presents the correlation study of FPSO model tests and numerical analyses sponsored by the DeepStar program. The numerical analysis ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingextreme conditionsloads and responsesmooring and offloadingmotionswaves & motionsoffshore engineering
PaperBenchmark Model Tests on the DeepStar Theme Structures FPSO, Spar and TLP
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
1 May 2004
In the framework of the studies on the DeepStar Theme Structures for deepwater in the Gulf of Mexico, contractors and research institutes have ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingextreme conditionsloads and responsesmooring and offloadingmotionswaves & motionsoffshore engineering
PaperModel Testing for Ultradeep Waters
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
1 May 2004
Model test procedures for global analysis verification of floating production systems in ultradeep waters are reviewed. Due to space limitations in ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencedynamic positioningmanoeuvringrenewablesoffshore operationsoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingresearch and developmentloads and responsesmooring and offloadingmotionswaves & motionsoffshore engineeringresearch
PaperHydrodynamics aspects of Gravity Based Structures in shallow water
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
1 May 2004
The concrete Gravity Based Structure (GBS) is an attractive concept for shallow water oil and gas developments. The present paper discusses 3 ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seatransport and shippingmodel testingmooring and offloadingmotionsoffloadingwaves & motionsoffshore engineering
PaperFull Field and Early Productions Ultra Deep Waters - The ‘DP-FPSO’ and ‘DP-EFPSO’ Concepts
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
1 May 2004
In the coming years, there will be a growing demand for Floating Production and Storage Units (FPSOs) for ultra deep waters (greater than 2000 m ...
manoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencedynamic positioningmanoeuvringrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingmooring and offloadingmotionswaves & motionsoffshore engineering
PaperSeakeeping behaviour of a frigate-type trimaran
International Conference Design & Operation of Trimaran Ships, London, UK
29 Apr 2004
The motion behaviour of a frigate-type trimaran was studied in a joint co-operation between the Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN), the, Maritime ...
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringmeasurements and controldata scienceseakeepingdefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingmodel testingmotionsmulti hull