CFD is an important tool for obtaining a better understanding of the flow around ships and offshore structures. This programme focuses on the background development of viscous-flow CFD tools and techniques.
This research programme concerns the development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software that can be applied in other research programmes and in services to simulate the flow around ships and offshore structures. The programme is organized around three subjects: the modelling of all relevant fluid physics, the core functionality needed to resolve these models and the ability to handle the geometry and motions of multiple objects in the fluid. The developments are restricted to generic maritime hydrodynamics and do not concern particular applications, which are addressed in the respective applications programmes.
Henk Prins
Fluid physics
All maritime hydrodynamic problems involve one or multiple fluids, obviously air and water, but also other liquids and gases and even non-newtonian fluids such as liquid mud. This sub-programme intends to model all relevant fluid physics, in particular (in)compressibility effects, free surfaces, turbulence, cavitation, particles, bubbles and acoustics.
Fluid physics
All maritime hydrodynamic problems involve one or multiple fluids, obviously air and water, but also other liquids and gases and even non-newtonian fluids such as liquid mud. This sub-programme intends to model all relevant fluid physics, in particular (in)compressibility effects, free surfaces, turbulence, cavitation, particles, bubbles and acoustics.
Object motions
Beside fluids, all maritime hydrodynamic problems involve one or multiple interacting objects, subjected to the flow. This sub-programme addresses the geometry and motions of objects, either free, constrained or prescribed, of a single or of multiple objects, both rigid and deformable.
Object motions
Beside fluids, all maritime hydrodynamic problems involve one or multiple interacting objects, subjected to the flow. This sub-programme addresses the geometry and motions of objects, either free, constrained or prescribed, of a single or of multiple objects, both rigid and deformable.
Core functionality
All models developed in the fluid physics sub-programme involve systems of partial differential equations that can only be solved numerically. This sub-programme aims to develop the spatial and temporal discretization techniques, the iterative methods to solve (non)linear systems of equations, the coupling with other codes, the parallelization and other high-performance computing aspects.
Core functionality
All models developed in the fluid physics sub-programme involve systems of partial differential equations that can only be solved numerically. This sub-programme aims to develop the spatial and temporal discretization techniques, the iterative methods to solve (non)linear systems of equations, the coupling with other codes, the parallelization and other high-performance computing aspects.
ReFRESCO Simulation for Vortex Induced Vibrations of Electric Cable