On the validity of CFD for simulating extreme green water loads on ocean going vessels
3 aug. 2020
The amount of green water and the associated loads that an ocean-going vessel may encounter during its service life are important aspects to ...
Non-Linear Wave Run-Up Along the Side of Sailing Ships Causing Green Water on Deck - Experiments and Deterministic Calculation
1 aug. 2020
Experiments with a flat plate in oblique waves at different speeds, wave conditions, headings and drift speed were done to evaluate non-linear wave ...
Linking Experimental and Numerical Wave Modelling
13 mrt. 2020
Experimental or numerical analysis of the response of ships and other floating structures starts with correct environmental modelling. The ...
Validation of CFD for a deterministic breaking wave impact on a semi submersible
3 okt. 2016
For structural design, prediction of run-up, green water and impact loads have to be taken into account, to assure the integrity and safety of ...
Validation of CFD for run-up and wave impact on a semi submersible
9 mrt. 2016
To assess the integrity and safety of structures offshore, prediction of run-up, green water, and impact loads needs to be made during the ...
Towards Large-Eddy Simulation Of Complex Flows In Maritime Applications
22 jul. 2014
Turbulent flows in maritime applications usually contain a wide range of length and time scales, especially for high Reynolds numbers. Therefore, it ...
On novel simulation methods for complex flows in maritime applications
7 okt. 2012
A novel aspect of our research will be to implement the regularization model on unstructured grids. The symmetry preserving discretization and ...