MARIN Shipping Safety

Shipping safety


Commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, MARIN started the Maritime Safety Research Program in 2024 to improve the safety level in the North Sea through applied research on maritime safety.

Maritime Safety Research Program

MARIN is committed to ensuring safe ships and preventing maritime accidents. The Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management (IenW) also prioritizes a high level of safety and employs a wide range of control measures to ensure maritime safety.

In 2024, MARIN therefore started the Maritime Safety Research Program commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, with the aim of improving the safety level in the North Sea through applied research on maritime safety.

An integrated approach is essential in this regard. The methodology is therefore characterized by a clear definition of sub-projects, consensus on safety indicators, and insight into current and future risks. Finally, various risk-mitigating strategies and technologies are investigated and their effectiveness evaluated.
There are still some important knowledge gaps to realize the ambition. This multi-year research program aims to fill these gaps through research and collaboration with experts in the field. We strive to develop new insights and innovative solutions that contribute to a safer maritime environment.

The activities within this program are divided into three separate parts:


Contact person photo

Pieter de Graeff

Project manager

1. Definition and Methodology

This part focuses on the central aspects of the outlined challenge with specific attention to the methodology.

  • Definition of Safety Level
  • Risk Development and Mitigation
  • Development Agenda for Modernizing Tools

2. Knowledge Development

Here we address specific substantive questions within the theme of maritime safety where knowledge gaps have been identified.

  • Sailing Cargo Ships
  • Effects of Regular Shipping on the Northern Route
  • Electric Car Fires
  • Risk-Reducing Factor of ERTVs

3. Policy Support

The program provides both reactive and structural support for policy questions. MARIN is ready to answer urgent policy questions and structurally brings its knowledge to support the government in making (inter)national policy.

  • Policy Support on Various Topics
  • Policy Support for Fishing Vessels
  • Policy Support for Slow Steaming as an URN Measure