The Numerical Uncertainty Analysis tools can be used to determine the iterative error, and the order of accuracy and numerical uncertainty from a number of grids, and time-steps for different variables. Three procedures to estimate the numerical discretisation uncertainty are available: 2014 based on
Eça and Hoekstra (2014), 2016 based on
Eça et al. (2019) and 2023 (to be published). The 2023 procedure should provide the most reliable estimates of the numerical uncertainties, but the older versions are available for comparison.
Two tools are available, one to estimate the iterative error, and one to estimate the discretisation uncertainty.
The tools can be downloaded with the buttons below. The package contains a user manual, a set of papers regarding verification and validation and examples to run the tools.
Please acknowledge the usage of these tools by citing this page or/and any of the papers in the package.