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Zero-Emission Research & Development in the spotlight

AuthorsVeldhuis, C., Krijgsman, M.
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 136
Date26 jun. 2023
To reach zero-emission shipping a combination of measures are needed including energy efficiency measures such as hydrodynamic and operational improvements, use of renewable resources (wind and solar energy) and alternative fuels for power and energy systems.
Two trends dominate the requirements and designs of marine power systems. On the one hand, there are increasing restrictions on emissions of exhaust matter, radiation of exhaust heat and audible noise. And on the other hand, the power needs of payload, propulsion and auxiliary systems onboard maritime platforms are increasingly becoming electrified. Both trends are leading to integrated power and propulsion platforms that in some cases are supplied by new energy carriers like methanol, hydrogen or ammonia.


Contact person photo

Christian Veldhuis


Moritz Krijgsman

Team Leader Marine Power Systems | Senior Project Manager

MARIN’s R&D efforts are addressing these trends and the integrated power and propulsion solutions. For example, MARIN provides support for the lifecycle process of ships by Exploration and Concept Design for solutions for Power, Propulsion and Energy (PPE) systems of the future. Due to the integrated character of the new platforms, MARIN’s services are driven by Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).
MARIN Zero-Emission in the spotlight

Zero Emission Lab will be available in the second half of 2023

MARIN Zero Emssion Lab (ZEL)
The Zero Emssion Lab (ZEL) is a unique test facility worldwide for the research and testing of future marine propulsion and power systems, applying realistic, dynamic operating profiles.