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Wind Modelling Sensitivity on Free-fall Lifeboat Simulations

AuthorsFrickel, E., Schrijvers, P., Mostert, E., Sovilj, V.
Conference/JournalThe 31st International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Rhodes, Greece
Date20 Jun 2021
This paper presents an overview of the sensitivity of free-fall lifeboat simulations during free-fall conditions. Using MARIN's time domain XMF framework, simulations are conducted for the VIKING NORSAFE GES50MK3 free-fall lifeboat, which is released from a stationary host. Results are presented for free-fall lifeboat drops in calm water, which are compared to basin test experiments. A good agreement is achieved, indicating that the proposed simulation method is robust. Varying the skid pitch angle shows that pitch angles at water entry exceeding 70° results in lifeboat motions with a negative forward velocity. Lastly, simulations are conducted including wind shielding from a generic FPSO. These results indicate that the wind shielding has a pronounced influence on lifeboat trajectory.

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Patrick Schrijvers

Senior Project Manager/Teamleider • Offshore

Eelco Frickel

Senior Researcher/Teamleader

waves, impacts and hydrostructuraltime-domain simulationsoffshore operationscfd/simulation/desk studies