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Verification Study for CFD Simulations of NTNU Blind Test 1 Wind Turbine

AuthorsYe, M., Chen, H.-C., Koop, A.
Conference/Journal32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Shanghai, China
Date12 Jun 2023
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations with fully resolved turbine geometries are increasingly popular for wind turbine aerodynamic analysis. However, the results obtained from the CFD simulations are sensitive to many numerical settings, such as grid spacing, time increment, turbulence models, etc., and thus rigorous quantification of the numerical uncertainties is necessary to be able to have confidence in the results.

In the present study, a modern verification procedure is adopted to assess the numerical uncertainties in the CFD simulations. The NTNU Blind Test 1 turbine is analyzed in the CFD simulations by using ReFRESCO. To quantify the spatial and temporal discretization uncertainties, a simulation matrix consisting of four computational grids with different level of resolutions combined with three different time increments is established. In all the computational grids, the turbine geometry is fully resolved including the blades, hub, nacelle, and tower. Moreover, the computational domain for CFD simulations is constructed such that it exactly matches the wind tunnel in the NTNU Blind Test 1 experiment. Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations with the k-ω SST turbulence model are performed. The Moving-Grid-Formulation (MVG) approach with the sliding interface technique is leveraged to handle the rotating wind turbine and stationary tower and nacelle. By using a modern verification procedure, the numerical uncertainties on the thrust coefficient (CT) and power coefficient (CP) are determined for an inlet velocity of 10 m/s at a tip speed ratio (TSR) of 6.

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Arjen Koop

Senior Researcher/Teamleader

offshore windfloating wind turbinecfdcfd/simulation/desk studies