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Verification of RANS solvers with manufactured solutions

AuthorsEça, L., Hoekstra, M., Hay, A., Pelletier, D.
Conference/JournalEngineering with Computers
Date30 May 2007
This paper discusses code verification of Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) solvers with the method of manufactured solutions (MMS). Examples of manufactured solutions (MSs) for a two-dimensional, steady, wall-bounded, incompressible, turbulent flow are presented including the specification of the turbulence quantities incorporated in several popular eddy-viscosity turbulence models. A wall-function approach for the MMS is also described. The flexiblity and usefulness of the MS is illustrated with calculations performed in three different exercises: the calculation of the flow field using the manufactured eddy-viscosity; the calculation of the eddy-viscosity using the manufactured velocity field; the calculation of the complete flow field coupling flow and turbulence variables. The results show that the numerical performance of the flow solvers is model dependent and that the solution of the complete problem may exhibit different orders of accuracy than in the exercises with no coupling between the flow and turbulence variables.


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Serge Toxopeus

Team leader CFD development / Senior Researcher

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