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Validation of a Time Domain Seakeeping Code by Model and Full Scale Experiments for a RHIB

AuthorsWalree, F. van, Struijk, G.D.
Conference/JournalThe 14th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS 2019), Yokohama, Japan
Date22 Sep 2019
This paper describes a validation study of the Time Domain Panel Code PanShipNL for a RHIB using both model scale and full scale experiments. PanShipNL is a non-linear time domain panel method for predicting the seakeeping behaviour of and hydrodynamic loads on high speed craft operating in a seaway. The studied vessel is a Fast Raiding Interception and Special Forces Craft (FRISC) operated by the Royal Netherlands Navy. The model tests were performed in the Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin at MARIN. The full scale experiments were conducted on the North Sea.

Using PanShipNL, the conditions from both model scale and full scale experiments are modelled to match loading condition, course control, sea state, speed and heading as recorded during the experiments. For some of the conditions severe wave impacts were recorded with accompanying high vertical acceleration peaks. The six degrees-of-freedom motions and accelerations are compared to the experimental results, in a statistic manner.


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Frans van Walree

Senior Project Manager

Gijs Struijk

Project Manager | On Board Specialists

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringtime-domain simulationsseakeepingcfd/simulation/desk studies