Conference/JournalThe 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Sapporo, Japan
Date10 Jun 2018
This paper focuses on the validation of a non-linear model of a partly filled LNG containment system. The numerical model can either represent a prismatic or a spherical containment system. Oscillation tests were conducted for both tank types, multiple filling conditions, motion amplitudes and periods. The numerical model consists of two tuned mass-spring-dampers. A fit of the transfer functions is made with the output of a potential code. This fit results in a linear mechanical system. The non-linearity is obtained with a collision model, which limits the global loads of the liquid on the tank structure in the resonance frequency range. The focus is on the global loading instead of local impacts of the liquid on the tank walls.This approach results in a relatively simple numerical model with a low computational effort. The validated sub-model of a LNG tank can be incorporated in a numerical model of the ship, resulting in a coupled multi-body system with the associated response.
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