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Validation of a Frequency Domain and a Time Domain Panel Method for the Prediction of Hydrodynamic Interactions During Replenishment at Sea

AuthorsWalree, F. van, Mathew, J., Sgarioto, D., Lin, F., Duffy, J., Denehy. S.
Conference/Journal34th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, DC, USA
Date26 Jun 2022
This paper describes the application of panel-based simulation methods for predicting the hydrodynamic interactions between ships during underway replenishment at sea (RAS) evolutions. A number of validation cases for a supply vessel (SV) operating in close proximity to a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) at moderate speed in regular head seas are presented. Experimental and simulated responses of vessel motions, wave elevations between vessels and restraining loads in regular head waves are examined. Results are shown for two different simulation methods, the linear frequency domain code Waveload-FD and the weakly nonlinear version of the time domain code PanShip. Comparisons between simulated and experimental results indicate that PanShip is capable of providing representative predictions of vessel motions and wave elevations between vessels for typical RAS-like evolutions. PanShip is also able to provide realistic predictions of restraining loads, especially when impulse response functions for each panel are utilised in place of a database for the entire vessel. Waveload-FD was less capable of predicting vessel motions and wave elevations for RAS-like evolutions. This is most likely due to the limitations of the zero-speed Green function in predicting the wave fields around the vessels and interaction forces between them at speeds applicable to replenishment at sea operations.


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Frans van Walree

Senior Project Manager

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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringseakeepingdefencecfd/simulation/desk studies