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Underwater radiated noise measurements with a silent towing carriage in the depressurized wave basin

AuthorsBosschers, J., Lafeber, F.H., Boer, J. de, Bosman, R., Bouvy, A.
Conference/Journal<em>3rd International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the EU Maritime Industry, Gdansk, Poland</em>
Date1 Sep 2013
Because of the increasing interest in underwater radiated noise levels of ships, noise mitigation measures have been applied to the new secondary towing carriage of the Depressurized Wave Basin (formerly known as the Depressurized Towing Tank). This paper presents the noise levels of the towing carriage that have been achieved and discusses some aspects of radiated noise measurements in a towing basin. It is shown that the carriage can be applied for the measurement of propeller cavitation noise. The noise levels of the new carriage are compared to the noise levels of a silent towing carriage developed specifically for a project related to surface ship flow noise.


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Johan Bosschers

Senior Researcher

Frans Hendrik Lafeber

Senior Project Manager

Jan de Boer

Senior Project Manager

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noise and vibrationresistance and propulsionpropeller and cavitationmodel testing