Understanding and optimising human operator performance
AuthorsHans Huisman, Wendie Uitterhoeve , Colin Guiking
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 131
Date7 Apr 2021
The maritime domain covers a huge variety of operations, from 400 m plus size container vessels to fast rigid hull inflatable boats to inland barges and gas carriers. However, there is one common factor in all of these operations: the human operator plays a vital role in making the operation effective and safe.
When a new type of operation is developed or an existing operation is changed by adding new technology for instance, it is vital to ensure that the human operators are able to perform their future tasks effectively.
Hans Huisman
Teamleader Human Factors
Human-centred design
MARIN supports a human-centred design approach for operations - meaning that the human element is taken into account from the very start of the concept definition phase, up to the moment the operation is executed. In many cases the human operator is seen as the cause of an incident, but far more often the operator saved the day by taking actions in unforeseen and unpredictable situations. A well-designed operation can make the human element the strongest link in the chain, but at the same time, a bad design can also make it the weakest link.
Eye-tracking heatmap, displaying visual attention distribution