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Time-varying Drift Forces in Cross Seas - Measurements and Theory

AuthorsKat, J.O. de
Conference/JournalThe Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), San Francisco, California, USA
Date14 Jun 1992
This paper presents a novel method to determine expeximentally both mean and time-varying drift forces This method is applied to measure the lov frequency forces in cross-sea conditions A brief reviev is given of the theory for determining the second order forces acting on a moored vessel in directional seas L'hereas in previous experimental vork only mean drift forces could be determined, the present study shovs that time-vaqing drift forces can be measured vith reasonable accuracy. Surge and svay forces and yav moments are measured for a 200,000 DUT tanker subjected to cross vaves in 82 5 m vater depth. Comparison berveen measured and theoretical values is reasonable.

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