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The Wake Flow Behind Azimuthing Thrusters, Measurements in Open Water, Under a Plate and Under a Barge

AuthorsCozijn, J.L., Hallmann, R.
Conference/Journal31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2012), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date1 jul. 2012

The wake flow behind a ducted azimuthing thruster was investigated. The thruster wake is an important factor in thruster interaction effects. Model tests were carried out for 3 different configurations; a thruster in open water conditions, a thruster under a flat plate and a thruster built into a barge. Two different thrusters were considered, a 'normal' thruster with a horizontal propeller axis and a 'tilted' thruster with a propeller axis and nozzle oriented 7 deg down-wards. In the tests the propeller thrust and torque were recorded, as well as the nozzle thrust and unit thrust. The velocities in the wake of the thruster were measured using a PIV (particle image velocimetry) system, for down-stream locations up to x/D = 19. The influence of the thruster tilt, the plate above the thruster and bilge radius on the thruster wake flow were investigated.Detailed PIV measurements were carried out on the wake flow behind the thruster in open water conditions. The PIV system used can measure 3D velocities in large set of points in a 2D plane, which is illuminated by a laser light beam. The flow velocities were measured in a large number of cross sections at different distances from the thruster. The PIV measurements provide a detailed image of the flow velocities in the thruster wa


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Hans Cozijn

Senior Project Manager

Rink Hallmann

Senior Project Manager

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