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The Slow Drift Oscillations of a Moored Object in Random Seas

AuthorsRemery, G.F.M., Hermans, A.J.
Conference/JournalSociety of Petroleum Engineers Journal
Date1 jun. 1972
The phenomenon of the slowly varying drifting force on a mowed object in a random sea is explained and illustrated from the results of several model tests with a rectangular barge. These tests, conducted at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin, were an extension of an object executed program. Using the results of measured or calculated drifting forces on an object moored in regular waves, a prediction can be Made of the drifting forces induced by wave trains consisting of regular wave groups.Also, for an irregular wave train the drifting force on the barge can be computed as a function of time, which makes it possible to calculate the surge motion of the barge. The results of tests and calculations show a reasonable agreement.

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