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The Effect of Mooring System and Sheared Currents on Vortex Induced Motions of Truss Spars

AuthorsDijk, R.R.T. van, Voogt, A.J., Fourchy, P., Mirza, S.
Conference/Journal22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 03), Cancun, Mexico
Date8 jun. 2003
Since 1996 Spars have been used as production platform in the Gulf of Mexico. Spar Vortex Induced Motions (VIM) in strong currents like the hurricane and loop currents are an important consideration for the design of the mooring system and risers. This is important for the extreme offsets as well as fatigue in risers and the mooring system. This paper compares the VIM behavior of a truss Spar in sheared currents, like the Hurricane current in the Gulf of Mexico, with tow test results. Experiments have been carried out on a scaled model in both a complete mooring system and in a towing set-up with a simplified horizontal mooring. The Spar model consists of a hard tank with removable helical strakes, a truss section and a square soft tank. The results of this model test program show that both the choice of the mooring system and current profile havea significant influence on the VIM response of the Spar. The paper discusses the results of this research and also addresses important issues and considerations for VIM model tests.


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Arjan Voogt


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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuralmeasurements and controldata sciencerenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamodel testingresearch and developmentloads and responsesmotionsvortex induced motions (vim)offshore engineeringresearch