The effect of bow flare angle on FPSO green water loading
AuthorsBuchner, B., Voogt, A.
Conference/JournalJoint Conference Energy for the New Millenium February (ETCE/OMAE2000), New Orleans, LA, USA
Date14 Feb 2000
In this paper green water at the bow of weathervaning FPSOs is investigated. The strongly non-linear relative wave motions at the bow can come above the freeboard of the vessel and result in green water flow onto the deck. To design an FPSO against green water, it is important to know the amount of green water and the resulting impact loading on structures at the deck. These are not only functions of the freeboard exceedance level, but also of the bow flare angle of the FPSO. The paper first discusses the waterheight on deck. Then a method to predict the water velocities is described. Finally a way to determine green water loads on structures at deck is presented. For these three quantities the relation with the freeboard exceedance level is given.
Bas Buchner
Arjan Voogt
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