MARIN continues to advance its Sustainable Power Portal. Originally developed in 2020, the online portal provides an independent overview of current and future energy carriers and power systems and their associated greenhouse gas emissions.
As part of MARIN’s strategy to contribute to the maritime energy transition, we invested in extending industry knowledge regarding energy carriers (hydrogen, methanol, biodiesels) and power systems (engines, fuel cells). However, it became clear pretty quickly that information about these systems is often difficult to find and compare, and the sources have varying accuracy.
Alex Grasman
Senior Specialist
Guilhem Gaillarde
Manager Ships
The working group Sustainable Alternative Power for Ships (SAPS), of which MARIN was a member, was tasked with performing a study on the greenhouse gas emissions of current and future energy and power systems, based on scientific publications (where available). The working group is part of the European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF) and reports to the European Commission. Its members include energy companies, shipowners, shipyards, research institutes, port authorities, classification societies, engine suppliers and NGOs.