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Submarine hydrodynamics for off-design conditions

AuthorsToxopeus, S., Kerkvliet, M., Vogels, R., Quadvlieg, F., Nienhuis, B.
Conference/JournalJournal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Date28 sep. 2022
Traditionally, submarine hydrodynamic design has focussed mainly on requirements regarding operational range, powering performance and manoeuvring ability for deeply submerged conditions. To improve the effectiveness of the boat, attention is also paid to operating near or at the surface and fortunately, computational tools and experimental methods are available to analyse the performance of submarines at these conditions. To advance submarine hydrodynamics knowledge and tools, DMO and MARIN have conducted a wide variety of bi-lateral or collaborative studies using potential and viscous flow methods and experiments on several submarine hull forms. In this article, several examples are presented of the development and use of hydrodynamic tools available during the design and assessment process of future submarines. These examples range from experimental and numerical studies into at-surface and periscope-depth resistance and powering, periscope-depth manoeuvring, high-fidelity flow around the boat during straight flight and manoeuvring motions, wakes of surface-piercing masts, to depth keeping under waves. It is demonstrated how state-of-the-art studies help in advancing the knowledge on submarine hydrodynamics and improving the overall design of modern submarines.


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Serge Toxopeus

Team leader CFD development / Senior Researcher

Maarten Kerkvliet

Senior Researcher

Roderik Vogels

Senior Project Manager

Frans Quadvlieg

Senior Project Manager

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hydrodynamicsrefrescocfdmanoeuvring and nautical studiesstability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringmeasurements and controltime-domain simulationscfd developmentmanoeuvringpoweringseakeepingdefencecfd/simulation/desk studiesmodel testing