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Simulating motions of an LNG bunkering vessel

AuthorsJohan Dekker, Maarten van der Leij
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 134
Date12 dec. 2022
Reading time6 minutes
MARIN recently carried out studies to investigate the motions of an LNG bunkering vessel with low GM.

In the first phase of the investigation, seakeeping calculations were carried out using our eXtendable Modelling Framework XMF to simulate the behaviour in extreme transit conditions. The SEACAL frequency domain model was used to calculate the wave response at different speeds, while MARIN’s CFD solver ReFRESCO calculated the roll damping due to the skeg, ventral fins and the bilge keels.


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MARIN Report 134 Simulating motions of an LNG bunkering vessel
In the second phase, operational conditions were studied. Two captains carried out manoeuvres on MARIN’s Full-mission Bridge.
For these simulations the expected port of operation was modelled and the XMF model was further extended with visuals and parameters for actively steering the ship using its azimuthing propulsion and bow
MARIN carried out simulation studies to investigate the motions of an LNG bunkering vessel with low GM