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Ship Hydrodynamics Knowhow derived from Computational Tools - Some Examples

AuthorsRaven, H.C.
Conference/JournalJournal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Date4 Sep 2022
This paper discusses how the use of today’s computational tools can lead to a quick advance of the field of ship hydrodynamics, by answering long existing questions, indicating simple models and demonstrating design trends. Some examples are given of subjects for which analysis of computational results, from RANS and free-surface potential flow codes, has led to improved understanding of the flow. The first example describes how better understanding of ship wave making and its dependence on the hull form has been obtained from analysis of potential-flow calculations. The resulting insight is still used in the context of CFD-based hull form optimisation. The second example describes how questions regarding the model-to-ship extrapolation of experimental results could be solved using RANS computations. The last example shows how computational study of shallow-water effects has led to a method to correct for tank width effects in model measurements; to an improved model-to-ship extrapolation procedure for shallow water tests; and to a simple trial correction method for moderate shallow-water effects. The examples are meant to illustrate and promote this sort of research, and subjects are mentioned for which similar progress can probably be made using CFD methods.


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Serge Toxopeus

Team leader CFD development / Senior Researcher

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