The aim of the present paper is to provide a thorough overview of the most important seakeeping aspects related to survey vessels, in such a way that they can be integrated in future designs. The content of the paper is largely supported by recent hydrodynamic studies (numerical and experimental) performed at MARIN. The first part of the paper deals with ship motions, with particular attention given to roll and roll stabilisation. The second part elaborates on crew performance. Aspects such as seasickness and interruptions of activities from excessive motions or accelerations are thoroughly discussed. Thirdly, the operability of sounding equipment in waves is addressed. The paper provides a description of the risk of bubble sweep-down and emergence of the underwater equipment and the related consequences on sonar downtime and potential damage. The paper concludes with a discussion on the water motions inside a moonpool, both at zero speed and in transit, and on possible ways to reduce them.
Bastien Abeil
Senior Project Manager
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