AuthorsKooren, T., Quadvlieg, F.H.H.A., Aalbers, A.
Conference/JournalThe 16th International Tug & Salvage convention (ITS2000)
Date1 May 2000
A major development in the last few years was the development of the Rotor Tug. This revolutionary concept can be characterised as an enhanced tractor tug where the large skeg is replaced by an azimuthing propulsion unit. By doing this, the manoeuvrability of the vessel changes dramatically, making it excellent for its on-the-spot manoeuvring capabilities. Strategically, this concept has large advantages. In this paper, the arrangement of the vessel is described and the capabilities of the concept are described. The perceived advantages and the study points are indicated as well as how the latter are solved.
Frans Quadvlieg
Senior Project Manager
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