Review of the SIMMAN2014 Workshop on the State of the Art of Prediction Techniques for Ship Manoeuvrability
AuthorsQuadvlieg, F., Simonsen, C., Otzen, J., Stern, F.
Conference/JournalInternational Conference on Ship Manoeuvrability and Maritime Simulation (MARSIM2015), Newcastle, UK
Date11 sep. 2015
In December 2014, a workshop was held with about 60 manoeuvring experts. The objective of the workshop was to obtain and assess and discuss the state of the art in manoeuvring prediction techniques. The workshop leaned on the many voluntary submissions, made by organisations world-wide. 10 experts leaded the discussions.
Conclusions were drawn based on submissions for the following conditions: • KVLCC2 in deep water at 15.5 knots • KVLCC 2 in shallow water (h/T = 1.5 and h/T=1.2) at 7 knots • KCS in deep water at 24 knots • KCS in shallow water (h/T=1.2) at 8.75 knots • 5415M in deep water at 18 and 30 knots
Interesting was that there were predicted manoeuvring predictions based on CFD, based on model tests, and based on purely empirical predictions. For the numerical simulations, different mathematical models have been used. The paper 1) gives a short overview of the workshop and 2) presents some key findings, such as: a) the importance of model that include the roll motion (which turn out to be very important for the prediction of the correct manoeuvring behaviour of the KCS); b) furthermore, the remarkable capability of CFD, which in the hands of expert users, demonstrate to give good results; c) the findings about the prediction techniques about manoeuvring capabilities in shallow water.
The paper focuses on the organisation and the description of the workshop and emphasises the enormous amount of useful data that is gathered. The available data is illustrated. A second round of analysis is presently undertaken and further conclusions are in progress.
Frans Quadvlieg
Senior Project Manager
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manoeuvring and nautical studiescfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiesmeasurements and controldata sciencemanoeuvringinfrastructuredefencepassengers and yachtingtransport and shippingmodel testing