Research On The Manoeuvrability And Propulsion Of Very Large Tankers
AuthorsManen, J.D. van, Oosterveld, M.W.C., Witte, J.H.
Conference/JournalSixth Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Washington, DC, USA
Date28 Sep 1966
This paper deals with the results of investigations into the manoeuvrability and propulsion of large tankers, equipped with an advanced stern arrangement for propulsion and ship-control. Authors suggest to eliminate partly or completely the rudder, provide the ship with an extremely cigar-shaped afterbody having a shrouded propeller with a large hub-to-diameter ratio and fit both bow and stern thrusters to the ship. The application of cargo-pump-drive n latera l thrusters working on the ejector principle is discussed.
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