Remodeling the B-series geometry in a CAD environment
AuthorsFoeth, E., Deij-van Rijswijk, M.
Conference/JournalSixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (SMP’19), Rome, Italy
Date26 May 2019
The generation of a propeller surface in a CAD environment using non-uniform rational B-splines is described. A universal chordwise knot vector for both 2D (sections) and 3D (surfaces) is given including modified boundary conditions for improved handling of piecewise monotonicity. A method to smooth the chordwise thickness distribution is presented and applied to several legacy sections. The buildup of the surface in 3D and a volumetric grid topology for CFD is described and demonstrated using the venerable B4-70 propeller as a case study object.
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resistance and propulsioncfdpropeller and cavitationcfd/simulation/desk studies