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Real Time Data for Structural Integrity and Stability Assessment - A GoM Case Study

AuthorsMitchell, M.S., Tipton, E.E., Dijk, R.R.T. van, Allen, B.G.
Conference/JournalSociety of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), San Antonio, TX, USA
Date1 Sep 2006
This case study illustrates how advanced data transfer and processing techniques can be applied to add value to high resolution environmental and structural monitoring data for use in operational decision making.
With hurricane Ivan in 2004 and hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, the GOM operating area has suffered significant damage to its offshore structures. These experiences have shown it is essential to not only collect environmental and structural data, but to have this data readily available to stakeholders and technical experts for assessment in the aftermath of a storm or other unexpected event that threatens structural integrity.
Advanced systems for handling high frequency, high resolution data have been developed over the past decade to deal with reservoir monitoring data. The following case study from the Gulf of Mexico illustrates how this technology was adapted to provide an operational tool for filtering, transferring and accessing structural integrity and stability data. This tool is now being used to monitor asset integrity during and after hurricanes and other unexpected events that threaten the structural integrity of offshore structures.

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