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QSHIP - Advanced Use of Hydrodynamics in Early Design

AuthorsBons, A.
Conference/JournalThe International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding (ICCAS 2009), Shanghai, China
Date4 Sep 2009
This paper reviews the state of the art of the integration of MARIN’s advanced hydrodynamic software in the knowledge management system Quaestor. The developed design environment QSHIP results in an innovative conceptual design approach. Quaestor is a computational modelling system applied in a variety of design and analysis applications in shipbuilding and offshore industry. It can be applied to streamline computational processes with complex relations, intermediate calculations and (third party) software. Quaestor is used in QSHIP to capture the workflow around MARIN’s existing hydrodynamic design tools for powering, seakeeping and manoeuvring analysis. The paper will demonstrate the features of QSHIP for a motor yacht design. Using an integrated design approach in which various hydrodynamic disciplines are considered in the early design stage, improves the output quality of the conceptual design process and reduces time-to-market for new designs. The integration between the key hydrodynamic disciplines secures a well-balanced design.


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Arno Bons


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