Throughout the world, Ports are in a constant state of change. Calling ships are changing in size, windage, manoeuvrability and cargo carried is becoming more dangerous and the overall safety aspect is a greater concern As a result Port Authorities have to reconsider and reevaluate the original design of their sea approaches and establish whether the Port access is safe. If it is not, improvement works have to be planned and executed. Ports will have to plan for the future range of ships expected to call and those ports within a competitive environment will have to plan even one step further ahead New ports will face the same problems of planning for the future, but at the same time lack the experience Mariners already have in operating through existing Port approaches. Port approaches are a particularly interesting part of Port development, which brings together the Port engineer with maritime civil engineering experience, nautical experts and navigational aids specialists. The philosophies and tools for the design of safe sea entrances are gradually changing, largely due to environmental concerns, but also due to economic considerations, involving capital and maintenance cost. Notwithstanding these new tools, including various simulation techniques, it is not easy for the designers to find well balanced solutions. In this paper design considerations are presented, which wil! aid in balancing safety with costs and these are elucidated for a new Port in the Bay of Bengal., For this Port two alternative port entrances were extensively studied, using the latest simulation techniques and design experience The new artificially protected port, located in a relatively moderate sea climate, will initially receive up to Panamax size vessels, while certain allowances for Suezmax vessels are to be incorporated.
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manoeuvring and nautical studiescfd developmentcfd/simulation/desk studiestime-domain simulationsinfrastructureport and channel designsimulations