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Passive fishing pilot project at Borssele offshore wind farm

AuthorsJorrit-Jan Serraris
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 132
Date30 Sep 2021
In the next few years, a substantial increase in the number of wind parks in the North Sea is envisaged as many countries try to achieve the Paris Agreement climate goals.
Wind parks occupy valuable space at sea and this results in limitations on the available space for the active fishing sector, for example. But at the same time wind farms provide opportunities. In the Netherlands multi-use applications inside wind parks are a requirement for present and upcoming offshore wind park developments. Multiuse applications include mariculture, fishing activities, nature reinforcement and floating solar panels (PV).


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MARIN has initiated a research pilot project on passive fishing at Borssele, together with the ecological research institute Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) and the economic research institute WeCR. Other partners in the project are Dutch fishing unions, wind farm owners and novel fishing vessel developers. We are also working closely with national and regional authorities, as well as with local fishermen.
Passive fishing pilot project at Borssele offshore wind farm

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