AuthorsL’Hostis, D., Cammen, J. van der, Hageman, R., Aalberts, P.
Conference/JournalThe Twenty-third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Date1 Jun 2013
Monitoring systems may be deployed to ensure integrity of offshore units. However, these systems produce a large amount of data. Monitoring systems are useful if the data is managed in an efficient way and the user is only presented a limited amount of comprehensible data. Within the Monitas II Joint Industry Project a fully automated advisory monitoring system for the fatigue of FPSO hulls has been developed. This so called Advisory Hull Monitoring System is an advanced hull monitoring system which translates the data into an operational advice in an easy understandable format. For this purpose the fatigue design tool is integrated in the system. This paper presents an overview of the Monitas II Project, which is now close to completion.
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Remco Hageman
Senior Project Manager
Pieter Aalberts
Senior Project Manager
stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seajoint industry projectjipnetwork