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On the use of the γ−R˜eθt transition model for the prediction of the propeller performance at model-scale

AuthorsBaltazar, J., Rijpkema, D., Falcao de Campos, J.
Conference/JournalOcean Engineering
Date15 Dec 2018
Pages6 - 9
The goal of the present work is to improve the prediction of propeller performance at model-scale using a local correlation transition model. Results are presented for two marine propellers for which paint-tests have been conducted and experimental open-water data is available. The numerical results using the k−ω SST turbulence model and the Reθt transition model are compared with the experiments. In order to distinguish between numerical and modeling errors in the comparison with experimental results, a verification study using a range of geometrically similar grids with different grid densities is made. The influence of the turbulence inlet quantities on the numerical results is discussed and boundary-layer characteristics are presented. Finally, the numerical predictions are compared with the experimental results. An improvement in the flow pattern is achieved with the transition model. However, the model strongly depends on the turbulence inlet quantities for the prediction of the transition location. Both propellers show an increase in thrust of 2%–4% and similar torque when using the transition model.


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Douwe Rijpkema

Researcher CFD

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propellermodel testing