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On the physical structure, modelling and computation-based prediction of two-dimensional, smooth-wall turbulent boundary layers subjected to streamwise pressure gradients

AuthorsKlewicki, J., Sandberg, R., Knopp, T., Devenport, W., Fritsch, D., Vishwanathan, V., Volino, R., Toxopeus, S. L., McKeon, B., Eça, L.
Conference/JournalJournal of Turbulence
Date19 aug. 2024
This paper reports on the recent NATO Advanced Vehicle Technology (AVT) effort associated with smooth-wall two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer flows subjected to streamwise pressure gradients. The effort considered experiments, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations, modelling, scaling and flow physics relative to the subject flows. Special attention is given to the current predictive capabilities and deficiencies of RANS simulations, and the interplay between experiments and RANS validation and development. In addition, the efficacy of the prediction of velocity field response and wall pressure statistics are respectively demonstrated via Resolvent and Gene Expression Programming based models. The persistence of a logarithmic mean velocity profile is evaluated and measures of non-equilibrium are described and discussed. A number of open issues are described and recommendations for future research are suggested.


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Serge Toxopeus

Team leader CFD development / Senior Researcher

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