New collision damage calculation tool used for quantitative risk analysis for LNG import terminal
AuthorsBogaert, H., Boon, B.
Conference/Journal4th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships (ICCGS), Hamburg, Germany
Date23 Sep 2007
A new collision damage calculation tool which can be used for quantitative risk analysis for LNG import terminals is outlined in this paper. Within a historical framework of collision analysis the need of developing a new tool, named MARCOL, is formulated. The function of MARCOL in a recently performed safety assessment for a new LNG terminal is demonstrated in the paper. In addition the paper describes step by step the main elements of the tool. Several results of MARCOL calculations are given. Finally the paper focuses on validation of the tool against available full scale test. Although MARCOL has been found adequate for risk analysis the paper ends with several recommendations for further refinements and extensions.
Hannes Bogaert
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