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Nautical Safety Study for Marsaxlokk and Valletta - Means and measures to improve safety

AuthorsBovens, N.L.A., Bugeja, D.
Conference/JournalInternational Maritime Pilots Association
Date1 jan. 2006
On behalf of the Malta Maritime Authority and through a EU Framework Contract with JacobsGIBB Ltd, MARIN conducted a Nautical Safety Study for the ports of Marsaxlokk and Valletta.

The article provided is a joint effort of the MMA and MARIN giving an overview of the extensiveness of the study and its main results. In short, the article addresses the following:

1. Nautical Safety Study for Marsaxlokk and Valletta Harbours; consisting of
a. Fast-time simulation study, using four vessels and simulating 60 scenarios covering a variety of environmental situations for both ports.
b. Risk Analysis study, using the entire traffic image near Malta and resulting in calculated risk levels for collisions, strandings, rammings and driftings. These calculations are done for three different pilot stations since the project also required a review of existing pilot stations.
c. Real-time simulation study, using six different vessels investigating the operational envelope for both ports.

2. Development of a Pilot and Tug Master Training Programme.

3. Execution of the Full-Mission Simulations of the Pilot and Tug Master Training Programme.

4. Development of two port safety manuals, one for each port, stating best practices, guidelines and giving example manoeuvres.

5. Development of technical specifications for new Pilot Launches.


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