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Model tests for the world’s first deepwater FLNG

AuthorsFrédérick Jaouën, William Otto
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 123
Date25 Apr 2018
Reading time3 minutes
MARIN recently carried out a model test campaign on a FLNG that is expected to be the first deep-water FLNG in the world.
The FLNG will be a permanently turret moored unit. MARIN assisted the client with the design of the FLNG by executing an extensive model test campaign, which comprised four phases. The first three phases consisted of seakeeping, side-by-side and station-keeping model tests and were conducted in the Offshore Basin. The last phase performed towing stability and resistance model tests and was conducted in the Seakeeping and Manoeuvring Basin.



Contact person photo

Frederick Jaouen

Manager Offshore

William Otto

Senior Project Manager

stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringwaves, impacts and hydrostructuraloil and gas