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Model tests and numerical analysis for a floating mega island

AuthorsWaals, O., Bunnik, T.H.J., Otto, W.J.
Conference/Journal37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2018), Madrid, Spain
Date17 Jun 2018
About 70% of the earth’s surface area is covered with water. Due to the sea level rise and increasing population in coastal areas we need to use our oceans more for energy production, food production, working and living.
In the present paper we discuss the results of a model test for a floating mega island in large waves up to 15.5 m significant wave height. The objective of this study is to investigate the motion response and loads on the island. These results may then be used to support further innovation of these islands.
The proposed island comprises 87 large floating triangles that are connected to one another. Together they form a flexible floating island of 1.5 by 2 km in cross-section at scale 1:250. The results are presented for the motion response of the island as well as the forces between the islands triangular modules and the mooring loads. These were measured using forces transducers and motion sensors.
The present work is part of a conceptual test carried out at MARIN. The island modules are interconnected with springs and fenders. This method is much similar to what is used in side by side offshore operations in the oil and gas industry. Due to the flexibility in the connections the island will follow the waves in high seas. The forward two rows of the island will move in phase with the sea and therefore the amount of green water is much smaller than for a rigid island.


Contact person photo

Olaf Waals


Tim Bunnik

Senior Researcher

William Otto

Senior Project Manager

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waves, impacts and hydrostructurallife at sea