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Model experiments and simulations of a damaged frigate

AuthorsKat, J.O. de, Peters, A.
Conference/Journal10th Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2002), Crete, Greece
Date1 May 2002
To study the extreme motion behaviour of a damaged frigate, tests have been performed in calm water and in waves of different heights and steepness. The paper provides a description of the physics of capsizing applicable to a damaged frigate, based on these experiments and numerical simulations. This concerns the application of a time domain ship motion program that is capable of simulating the occurrence of damage and subsequent water ingress through floodable spaces. The paper contains comparisons between experiments and simulations for selected conditions, and it addresses the issue of damage stability criteria applicable to frigates. Particular attention is paid to transient flooding and roll transients, and to the effectiveness of cross flooding arrangements.


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stability, seakeeping and ocean engineeringseakeepingdefenceresearch and developmentdamage stabilityextreme conditionsresearch