AuthorsHenk van den Boom, Tobias van Dijk, Gijs Struijk
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 130
Date7 Dec 2020
Wind is the driving force for wind turbines and ships under sail. At the same time, it is a dominant environmental load for many large vessels and offshore structures. The wind field is characterised by variations in space and time. To capture actual 3D wind inshore and offshore, MARIN has added a Lidar wind scanner to its field measurement equipment.
Gijs Struijk
Project Manager | On Board Specialists
Lidar wind scanner addition
This instrument is capable of measuring wind fields up to distances of 6 km at a high scanning speed. Doppler Laser Detection and Ranging (Lidar) is a proven technology to measure the speed of particles in the air. The technology developed by Leosphere is based on dedicated high-power fibre laser amplifiers and telecom components at 1,540 nm, and coherent detection.