MARIN Model Tests - Green Seas Hatch loading on Bulk Carriers, Design and operation of bulk carriers
AuthorsGaillarde, G., Zheng, X.
Conference/JournalRoyal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference, London, UK
Date1 jan. 2001
This paper summarises the model test techniques and analysis methods used during the extensive study on bulk carrier hatch cover loading. The tests took place in 2000 and 2001 and were undertaken for two Capesize and one Panamax bulk carriers. Aiming at modelling reality with maximum accuracy, a self-propelled model was tested in multidirectional waves. Based on the experience gained during the Derbyshire model tests, dedicated instrumentation was further developed to measure accurately the vertical loading on hatch covers and the spatial distribution of these loads as well as the loading on the hatch coamings. Loads on forward deck equipment as winch and vertical cylinder were measured in order to evaluate risk of damage that could yield flooding of the forward compartments. Repeat tests with a flexible panel were performed in an effort to quantify hydroelastic effects in the green seas loading. The results of the tests will, in conjunction with the statistical analysis being carried out at Lancaster University, enable new structural and safety standards to be defined for bulk carriers.
Guilhem Gaillarde
Manager Ships
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