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Improving the operability of O&M vessels

AuthorsErik-Jan de Ridder
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 130
Date7 Dec 2020
MARIN supports the development of offshore wind maintenance vessels - from concept to operation.

Operation and maintenance costs make up around 20-30% of the levelised cost of energy (LCOE) of offshore wind energy, and a considerable part of this relates to the vessel and its ability to work.


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ErikJan de Ridder

Senior Project Manager/Teamleider

New Offshore Wind Dashboard JIP

With the OM JIP concluded at the end of 2019, the Meteo Dashboard will be further developed to include high-resolution wind data in a
follow-up project called Offshore Wind Dashboard. This JIP gets underway late 2020 and new participants are welcome to join!

Dynamic positioning assessment tests for the service operational vessel