Impact of draught on transport capacity of a pushboat-barge convoy
AuthorsWytze de Boer, Anke Cotteleer
Conference/JournalMARIN Report 128
Date21 Jan 2020
Voyage analysis as a tool for analysing operational costs of a pushboat-barge convoy in different loading conditions sailing upstream on the River Rhine. For this MARIN extended the voyage simulation tool ‘Gulliver’ for seagoing ships to inland waterway conditions. This tool was validated in close cooperation with pushboat and barge operator Veerhaven and was subsequently applied for an operational analysis.
Veerhaven is one of the companies that participates in the CoVadem network, which MARIN helped develop (see www.covadem. org). This is an important network which delivers the actual water depth along the route, based on the depth measurements of the participating ships. The availability of these depth measurements was a key element in this project.
Veerhaven operates seven pushboats and more than 100 barges