Conference/JournalThe Twentieth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Beijing, China
Date20 Jun 2010
This second part of the paper outlines the progress made in the full scale tests of real membrane containment systems subjected to action of breaking waves which model sloshing impacts in LNG tanks of LNG carriers or Floating LNG terminals (FLNGs). The waves were generated in a water flume using a wave focusing method. The tests were carried out within the Sloshel project. More detailed and more specific results of the Sloshel project are described in several associated papers. This paper explains steps undertaken to improve the test repeatability, to collect data for analysis of scaling laws, hydro structural interaction and effects of membrane corrugations which are characteristic for the MarkIII membrane systems. This includes description of the large and full scale test setups for testing of the Mark III containment system. The paper explains how the way of achieving the project goals evolved, presents some new results from the full scale tests of MarkIII containment system and summarises drawn conclusions.
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waves, impacts and hydrostructuralrenewablesoil and gasinfrastructuremarine systemslife at seamonitoringtrials and monitoringhydro-elasticitysloshingfull scalelngoffshore engineering