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FPSOs - Design Considerations for the Structural Interface Hull and Topsides

AuthorsKrekel, M.H., Kaminski, M.L.
Conference/JournalOffshore Technology Conference (OTC), Houston, Texas, USA
Date1 May 2002
This paper discusses the structural interface on FPSOs between the hull structure and the topsides modules. It identifies the most common topsides foundation concepts applied on FPSOs, and discusses the consequences of each configuration for the layout of the unit, the design of the hull structure and the topsides. The information needed by the hull designer and the topside designer is identified. Moreover, the differences between shipbuilding and offshore construction design practices are discussed, and it is identified where and how these fall short for FPSO purposes. Topics that are addressed are overall safety, operational aspects, such as tank ntry and mechanical handling, and the design specifications or the hull and the topsides modules. In order to control the chedule and costs of FPSO projects, fabrication of the hull nd topsides should be allowed without impractical or unduly trict specifications imposed on the shipyard or the topsides abricator. At the same time the traditional design pecifications for hull and topsides design may fall short to over the functional needs for FPSO service.

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